Cultura | Salto Arts

Split Horizon

Two students from the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano accompanied the project Split Horizon through the city and documented particular perspectives.

The Turkish Work or, as most of the people call it, Split Horizon, was for us a strange articular artificial limb, that became our companion during the current year 2015/16 in the most variegated Bolzano environments.
We found very funny that a Turkish Work could somehow want to reflect the contradictions of a Bolzano that is completely alien to it. But maybe that was exactly what it was worth for a small wealthy town used to think only about itself: an alien eye, or rather three.

To let this installation stroll through Bolzano was funny, boring, unexpected, difficult, cold, warm, claustrophobic, embarrassing, lonely, dangerous, alienating, adventurous, chic, perspectival. Above all it gave us the possibility to talk with the most different realities that populate the city. Probably its bigger strength and its main peculiarity is exactly its capacity to be an object which is prone to talk to everybody.
Lucia Fiorani & Federica Martinelli

DIRECTED TOUR #3: 21.07.2016, 7 pm

Giorgio Mezzalira (historian, Foundation Alexander Langer) in dialogue with the curators