Film | Live screening

Yaël Bitton at FILMCLUB Capitol

On 24.03. at 20:00 there will be a special screening of the film KIX in the presence one of the most important contemporary editors of documentary film.
Avvertenza: Questo contributo rispecchia l’opinione personale del partner e non necessariamente quella della redazione di SALTO.
Foto: KIX
  • At FILMCLUB Capitol Bolzano on 24.03. at 20:00 there will be a special screening of the film KIX in the presence of its editor Yaël Bitton, one of the most important contemporary editors of documentary film. The film will be screened in its original language version (Hungarian) with English subtitles.

    The screening is the last in the current DOC DAY series, presented in collaboration with the Film Association of South Tyrol (FAS).

    KIX (FR/HR/HU 2024, 90', Bálint Révész, Dávid Mikulán) is a cinematic odyssey through a boy’s coming of age. Over 12 years, it follows Sanyi, who roams the concrete and graffiti-covered streets of Budapest with his friends day in, day out. Sanyi avoids the cramped conditions of the much-too-small flat in which the family lives on the breadline. Neglected places exert a strange attraction on Sanyi and his friends. They hang out there, tag or set fire to rubbish bins. KIX paints a rare portrait of the impoverished working class, caught between personal tragedies and political grievances in the dilapidated streets on the outskirts of Budapest.

    The film is characterised by video art, trash, and music videos. It's a balancing act between observational vérité and active interaction between subjects and filmmakers, displaying an incredible immediacy that tends to confront rather than explain. The film actively reflects upon the relationship between subject and filmmakers and raises the core questions of documentary filmmaking: does observation change the observed and in KIX's case, the observers?

    Yaël Bitton will also hold an open masterclass / case study of the film on Tuesday 24.03. from 09:30 at the ZeLIG film school. The masterclass is open to all interested parties.

  • (c) BELDOCS

  • The DOC DAY series will return! Follow @filmclubbozen and @film_association_of_southtyrol to keep up-to-date.

    Visit the FILMCLUB Capitol program here.

    For further information and to buy tickets online visit this link